I recently asked the Holy Spirit what could help in my time with God. I saw an image of arrows creating a flow movement from inside to outside, and from outside to inside, and so on. I thought of it as a kind of step-by-step plan. It has already helped me so much, and I'd like to share it with you.
1. Inside must come out:
Be honest with yourself and God. What's going on inside your heart and mind? What question, desire, concern, fear, or doubt?
2. Outside can come in:
Allow God to provide His perspective on these matters. Ask Him how He sees this things. What is His truth about it?
3. Inside must respond:
There's likely a difference between how you perceive things at one point and what God's perspective is. It's time to embrace His truth. It helps to write or speak this as a statement in a few sentences.
4. New can come in:
Now that space has been created, ask God what He wants to communicate with you today. What is on His agenda?
Simple, yet effective ;) Be blessed! And let me know if you find it helpful or if you have any questions about it.